Skylark’s Faros Hub enables multiple Faros RRH arrays to be coherently synchronized and controlled, providing nearly limitless scalability for Massive MIMO systems. Multiple Faros Hubs can be flexibly connected together, enabling Faros systems to scale to thousands of coherent radios. Its uniquely modular, distributed, and endlessly scalable physical and digital design draws on years of market-leading, patented Massive MIMO research. Each synchronized Faros RRH unit improves system range and capacity, which is why only Faros can serve thousands of subscribers with up to 32 spatial streams and unprecedented in-field spectral efficiency.
A typical Faros system configuration provides up to four 10-Gigabit Ethernet links for backhaul, and 13.2 Gbps fronthaul capacity each to up six Faros RRH arrays, providing up to 250W monitored, hot-pluggable power to each array. This modular design allows an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to start small with a single Faros RRH and add additional radios as needed to support user growth.
More capable than most Synchronous Ethernet and PTP network switches, the Faros Hub implements proprietary Faros time/frequency synchronization and is SyncE/PTP standard-ready. Each Faros Hub directly supports between six to twelve Faros RRH units, depending on radio and power configuration.
Pat. WO2016172652A1, WO2018039527A1
- Rural, suburban, and urban last-mile broadband
- Smart grid
- Smart agriculture/AgTech
- Asset tracking and IoT
- 4G small cell mid-haul
- Signal intelligence
- Directional tracking & localization
- Array signal processing