Custom Faros® Massive MIMO Remote Radio Head

Faros® distributed Remote Radio Head (RRH) unit for custom large-scale MIMO solutions between 100 – 6000 MHz.

SKU SW-TASM-xxxx-xxx Category

The Faros Remote Radio Head, or Faros RRH, is part of the Faros family of last-mile connectivity solutions for internet service providers providing high-speed, point-to-multipoint (PtMP), non-line-of-sight (NLoS), bidirectional data over tens of kilometers. Its uniquely modular, distributed, and endlessly scalable physical and digital design draws on years of market-leading patented Massive MIMO research. Faros true Massive MIMO allows multiple Faros RRH units to be coherently combined for additional range and capacity, serving thousands of subscribers with up to 32 spatial streams and unprecedented in-field spectral efficiency.

Built on an agile software-defined radio architecture, the Faros RRH system can operate on all licensed and unlicensed frequencies between 100 – 6000 MHz. Since Skylark builds Faros hardware and software systems from the ground up, we can customize the operating parameters of your custom Faros RRH MIMO system to match your unique band plan or unique application.

With end-to-end design support for RF design, low and high-volume manufacturing, software customization, and regulatory certification, Skylark is your one-stop shop for carrier-grade customized Massive MIMO radio systems in sub-6 GHz frequencies.

Whether using the broadband Faros RRH for Massive MIMO rapid prototyping, 6G prototyping with external components, or using the agile platform for array signal processing applications, the broadband Faros RRH is an integrated MIMO platform that will scale to any size application.

Pat. WO2016172652A1, WO2018039527A1


  • Emerging or non-standard 3GPP band operation
  • Rural, suburban, and urban last-mile broadband
  • Smart grid
  • Smart agriculture/AgTech
  • Asset tracking and IoT
  • 4G small cell mid-haul
  • Signal intelligence
  • Directional tracking & localization
  • Array signal processing